This is your one-stop shop to find everything you need to know about:
re$tart Classes
Other Courses
Recommended Resources
Financial Literacy Staff
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Financial Literacy re$tart Course
re$tart is BCS’s very own Financial Literacy Course!
Developed in-house, specifically for our Sustainable Families Program, this course has something for everyone. Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed, there will be applicable advice and information for all seasons of life.

Other BCS Courses
BCS offers a wide variety of classes for our participant families. Class topics currently include homebuying, estate planning, paying for college, Family Vision and time management, but we are adding new courses all the time!
You can read more about each of these courses on our Birch Community Services Financial Literacy Courses Page.
Recommended Resources
In our courses, we give a lot of recommendations on books, apps, and more.
Do you want to try a financial tracking app? Need a copy of that budget worksheet? A link to download the Family Vision workbook?
The Financial Literacy Team
The Financial Literacy team is here to serve participants and cheer you on!
We meet with each participant regularly to provide the tools you need to create a clear plan to achieve your financial goals. Our Financial Literacy Team continues to grow as we expand our program to more participants.